Welcome to BXI St. Louis

"Don't Pay for it, Trade for it"

America's Oldest and Largest Retail Barter Group

"If You Can Imagine It, You Can Trade For It"
If You Are Searching For a Way To Improve Your Company's Profit Line, This May Be What You're Looking For!

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"Founded in 1960, BXI was the first modern barter exchange and still the largest of the nations estimated 400 trading networks."
                Omni Magazine

BXI was established in 1960, and maintains the largest trade organization in the world. The BXI trade credit, which is equal to a US. dollar, is recognized and respected throughout the barter community. Barter is the perfect tool to enter new markets and save cash at the same time. As a BXI member , you will be able to increase your purchasing power and decrease your cash outlay at the same time. As BXI continues to grow, the variety of goods and services that are available to members also grows.

How barter works
"Barter, the non-cash exchange of goods and services is a time honored way of doing business. But in hard times it can become a particularly effective way of  remaining competitive or getting otherwise unaffordable items."
                Los Angeles Times

Barter is simply business as usual with an unusual twist. Instead of using cash to buy the items you need, you use trade credits that you earn by selling your product or service to other trade club members. Trade can act as a terrific vehicle to supplement your business. The way to determine how much trade you can accept is to calculate how many items that you are now presently paying for in cash can be substituted for trade.

By using barter, you are expanding the normal limits that are placed on your business for reasons of location or the cost of entering distant markets such as  advertising. It is very unlikely that business you receive through the use of barter  would ever be available to you through any other channel. Barter members are willing to travel much farther to obtain needed items from other barter members first. If you are not a member, they would have no way of locating you.

"These days barter talks and money walks. If you've got something to trade, join the booming barter economy...With cash tight and loans almost impossible to get, more and more companies and individuals are turning to barter as a way
to beat the recession." 
                NBC Nightly News

Organized trade is the opportunity for a business person to pay overhead with the wholesale value of his product or service, rather than with retail cash income. It is a means of reducing some portion of cash outlay by perhaps half the amount. Maybe no other single marketing effort can accomplish as much.

The best part is this: your purchasing power with the other merchants is equal to the retail value of the goods sold in the trade transaction, while your actual cash outlay is limited to your cost before mark-up, and maybe less when dealing with excess inventory.


The most important thing about trade is that when you are spending your trade dollars to purchase anything, you are saving cash. That is too important an accomplishment not to trade!


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How to contact us

BXI of St. Louis is located in St. Louis, MO

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Call Joe at (314) 535-1411 for a complete listing
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